
The Law Office of Chad F Bank came to us because their rankings had gone from 1st and 2nd for most keywords to not even ranked on page 1 (including their #1 keyword Rhode Island DUI Attorney ) for most of their keywords. They needed a new SSL Secure website that had the code base to dominate their competition as well as the look and feel to convert website visitors. Joe had built Chad’s original site when working at a different SEO firm a few years back and Chad was ranking top 3 for most keywords at that time. Since Joe left, Chad was falling in the rankings as the server his site was sitting on got hacked. This caused havoc on his backlink profile plus there were URL’s injected into his site that needed to be removed. A disavow file was in order. Also, the competition in Chad’s market is second to none as there are 20+ Attorneys with SEO firms working on their behalf. There are even more running Google Ads with robust budgets in his market. Structurally the site was failing all tools such as Pingdom and GTMetrix as it was taking 7.2 seconds to load the homepage. This site required being rebuilt entirely from the ground up in order to get Chad back to a position of dominance.


The strategy for The Law Office of Chad F Bank was a multi pronged approach. We first needed to fix all the issues from the site being hacked. This required building out a massive disavow file to get rid of all of the spam backlinks. We needed to remove all of the injected URL’s from the site and create the proper redirects. The next step was building out new skyscraper content for his target keywords.  We also wanted to develop an awesome mobile landing page experience for the website users. We then used SEO best practices in building out the framework of the website, added the proper schema markup everywhere, and added all of our “secret sauce”.


We created a new WordPress Website with SSL Secure Hosting for The Law Office of Chad F Bank. The website features:

  • New awesome design with proper code behind it
  • Awesome App Like Mobile Landing Page Experience
  • Pages for each service with proper schema markup
  • New Calls To Action on the site for better conversion
  • New optimization tools
  • All CSS and JS were minified and concatenated
  • An “A” grade on PageSpeed Insights

Our favorite RI Criminal Defense Lawyer was back in business!

The Process

Competitive analysis, keyword research, great content, and a best in class website.

Lake Worth SEO Agency Front Desk


Ranking Before and After

March 2018 Rankings

May 2018 Rankings

May 2018 Ranking

May 2019 Rankings

May 2019 Ranking

Desktop Homepage

The Law Office of Chad F Bank - RI DUI Lawyer - Case Study Hero

Mobile Homepage

The Law Office of Chad F Bank - RI DUI Lawyer- Mobile Home Page










The Results are better than we could have ever imagined. The new site is converting at a higher level than before, users are more easily able to call, and the feedback has been tremendoous from his clients! He is back ranking near the top of page 1 for most of his target keywords revolving around Providence and Rhode Island DUI and Criminal Defense and his clicks and impressions have tripled since the rebuild.

Visit The Law Office of Chad F Bank at their Providence, RI Criminal Defense office!

The Law Office of Chad F Bank $
127 Dorrance Street
Providence , RI 02903
Phone: 401-229-5088